I was and am still listening to the newest Deathcab album (about which I heard very low reviews[I guess I can understand why]) cause it's raining and I've never listened to it all the way through. It has a good feel to it so far and I will say that it's pretty likable. Lets go with... 6 of 10 for a more precise approach. It's not that I think it's better than 60% of any comprehensive albums I've heard (well it might be since I've been exposed to so many horrible albums), but for the genre and purpose, I think it creates what they hoped it would. Best song is certainly Your New Twin Sized Bed which, to me is a reverberation of what The Sound of Settling was (which, if anyone thought was a happy song, was not)
All The Lonely People ft. LaToiya Williams - Talib Kweli
The purpose of this rant was really to say that loneliness can sometimes be this crushing, inebriating force that will demolish any
Bonus: On a lighter note, my random itunes play got me this which is from one of the best rainy day albums (One Day I'll Be On Time) made in my opinion. Asleep - The Album Leaf