25 mars 2009

The Stomach Is On Fire

Macaframa from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

I needed a reason to post something and that was it. Badass and fun-ass with some cool cinematography.

I'm excited that it isn't raining when I need to go places (it is raining however, like it should in Paris I guess). Oh well, it was really nice while it lasted. Plus, I'm sure it'll return eventually. Doesn't matter though, I'm going to freaking India. I don't care who knows, I'm stoked. I'm also stoked to be in a place where I can get a good bottle of wine for under 5 euros. I'll just list the things I'm stoked on right now:

Finding a good beer store in paris.

Finding this shirt. Great and New fashion ideas exist! I don't have that money tho...unfortunately.

My cousin covering one of my 3 favorite bands. And doing it quite well.

This Photo.

Having my stomach feel like it's eating itself at least once every 5 minutes. Maybe I got one of these...?

Getting to ride for real tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks.

Being friends with Marc Beerline.

World Is On Fire - Sarah McLachlan