I have spend the last two nights enjoying myself. It's a good thing to do. Last night I went to an exclusive party for the economics students at dauphine. Don't really know how I got invited; I think it involved someone bailing out at the last minute and me buying their ticket on tuesday in class. Anyway, it was mediocre since I only knew one person...but it was a learning experience for sure. I'm really glad I went. Right after (when everyone else was leaving to go home) I set out to go to Queen which is a nightclub on the Champs. I went with two good friends and their other friend that was a dude. Kinda expensive at 20 euros entry fee but it was well worth it. Good DJs that played good sets (with the exception of some weird rock thrown in there). Left at about 3:30. Tonight I went to a christmas party at my friend lynn's place out in nanterre. It was fun and since it was a white elephant party (which didn't involve joke gifts), I ended up with a carnivourous plant. Awesome! (really)
Anyway, it's been pretty fun. I realized that I'm antisexual at least for the time which is cool. (And it's not asexuality, halie) I'm not neccesarily against all forms of sexuality, I just don't think that I'm good with it for now maybe forever (and the whole not thinking anything good comes from it is pretty pertinent). But I am attracted to this song:
We Might As Well Be Strangers (DJ Shadow Remix) - Keane
(right click that one to download cause i borrowed the link from another blog)
P.S. I realized that noone is really waiting on the mix so i'll have it done in whatever time i feel like. Happy Holidays!
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans