I don't want to do that again. I mean, it was tight going to the US for 3 days, but it was hard on me...and my grade in Croissance et Developpement de l'Entreprise.
Before I get started typing what I wrote down in my little notebook about the weekend, I'll give you some music that was given to me today by the publisher for sayCet. Yes, I got an email saying that I should check out some of their new remixes and post them. So despite the fact that Ohh Crap! beat me to the punchline, here they are:
1901 (sayCet Remix) - Phoenix
I'm not sure whether I like the original better or not. Phoenix is blowing up. They have been on Conan recently, and were the band on SNL saturday night, so if I do like the original more, I have a good reason.
However, sayCet, like they do really well, have taken a pretty uptempo song and found the simple melody and turned it to a relaxing one. It's just a mood thing. If you're in a chill mood, this is your slice of pie.
If you want the original, just go to phoenix's website and you can dl it for free as well.
I'm Not (sayCet Remix) - Panda Bear
I don't like the original of this one that much at all, but the remix is great. Another kinda ambient flavor for meditating on something or chilling out.
You can get both of them on the Fairtilizer website (the link's the same for both) just click the song you want to hear and while you're listening to it you can download it. 320 kbps!
Also, make sure to check out their other stuff. I like it; you should at least give it a listen.
So now for the trip update while you have some good music to listen to... (this is exactly what i wrote)
•Loud! The flight attendants are so loud. But I really like sitting business. I watched "21" which was entertaining and "Guilt" which I need to watch again. Really good story and great acting. I slept a little bit but am still tired. We're going to land soon in Chicago...
•Bathrooms have hot water, waterfountains exist
•"Les moralistes ne sont pas des gens qui font la morale, ce sont des gens qui divulguent une verité douloureux." (read in Le Figaro)
•Une paire de bottes vaut mieux que Shakespeare." (anti-intellectualisme) par Cioran (read in Le Figaro)
•Wow. Already saw a cowboy
•Seeing how huge Chicago was from the air blew my mind.
List of stuff I ate:
•Taco Bell: 2 chalupas, hard taco, crunchwrap supreme, large mountain dew baja blast
•Blue Bell Ice Cream: Butter Crunch, Chocolate Extreme, Banana Pudding
•Cracker Barrel: 3 cinnamon apple pancakes with whipped cream, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 bisquits w/ gravy, large chocolate milk (served in a frosty mug)
•Jack In The Box: sourdough jack, curly fries, large fanta strawberry
•Blue Bell
•A philly cheesesteak from some place in the mall that greg knew about
•2 bowls of cereal, two unnaturally moist cranberry muffins
• Blue Bell
•Amazing Barbeque a la Labac family. 6 or 7 ribs and a brisquet sandwich. (They make their own sauce. It's awesome)
•Blue Bell
•Whataburger: double whataburger with mustard, pickles, tomatoes, and lettuce.
•Healthy breakfast of oatmeal and raisins
•McAllisters Deli cranberry club
That was all I wrote cause I spent alot of time not writing stuff down but rather doing stuff. Also, on the flight back I slept 8 of 9 and a half hours.
Overall, the trip was weird. I was super excited to hang out with good friends, but it was super weird not being alienated...ever. Everything was really easy and I just kept wanting to speak some french. It was really good to listen to music in my car again though even though I remembered how much I hate driving if there are other people on the road.
So the verdict is that it was definately worth it to say whats up to my homies and to suprise mr. in-the-navy. However, i would like to warn all my peeps in france or abroad for the year, that you will most likely feel really uncomfortable for a while. Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe longer. I'll be right there with you figuring it out.
Bonus: Because this song is on the level just above epic...
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans