2 déc. 2009

Paris Trip and Sentiments

This is the best trance track of the moment...and a Great way to start the post.

Escape Me ft. C.C. Sheffield (Marcel Woods Remix) - Tiesto
buy it on Beatport.

I woke up this morning in a fantastic state. Not really, but I'm better now. I had one of those "I can't sleep cause I'm running over conversations that I could have potentially had in the past" mornings. It's been a long time since that has happened. I wanna say since highschool? Most of them involved me being put in ludacris situations that would never actually happen and me having to think on the fly and figure out how I'd react. One dealt with a shoulda-woulda-coulda with a girl named Celia from Dauphine. She was rad and I was a little bit of an idiot for not trying to see what she was about. I was half awake but the conversation went something like "sorry I was just way too caught up with snowboarding (as I first met her at the Dauphine ski trip) to realize how great you were." Real sappy if I remember correctly. We then went out for coffee after I apologized for loving snowboarding too much.

Which brings me to my next point: burning bridges. Why do it? There is Never a good time to burn a bridge unless you're trying to defend a castle and somebody is a double agent for the other side and is planning on lowering your drawbridge. You get something good out of everything. I mean if your falling out was that bad, just think about what you gained from the relationship. Par example... My dutch friend taught me that I can't take what people say at face value. That's a good lesson. People aren't really honest, so there's no reason to think they will be. As pessimistic as that sounds, I'm thankful for it. And, knowing our luck, our paths will cross again. Don't know where, but I have that feeling and I'll see them at a business conference or something in the future and we'll be chill cause I wasn't a hot-head about the whole thing.
Sometimes you even learn something about yourself. My french friend taught me that I am a selfish person. I had never really seen that. And even though I'm not as selfish as they liked to think, I do have that in me and I see it now. On that point...to rabah: if people weren't somewhat selfish, there wouldn't be people. Self-preservation and self-fullfillment are two of the things people are the most concerned about in life. That's how it is. If not, you're a saint and people will probably kill you for it. There's quite a history of that.

Now to more cheery dialogue. Listen to this:
So fun.

So Paris. Was great. We had a nice turkey day, I wasn't sick the whole time despite the kinda crappy weather, and I got to re-visit some cherished places I frequented. It was really amazing seeing the sweet rat. I kinda wish I woulda been on strike too so I coulda spent as much time with her as Joe did. She has that hood flava but is still so not tough...and she's french which drops the toughness down a few notches anyway.
I wanted to bring my bike over there, but it was going to be a hassle and I'm kinda glad that I didn't now. I mean it woulda been fun, but I probably wouldn't have gotten to ride with the homies and I was in a nostalgic walking mood. It was weird, but alright. Next time I go though, it's coming with.
By the way, I have decided that I will live there again. By my own power, I will go back, become completely alienated, get better at the language, make actual friends over there instead of the no-love dauphine bitches, and integrate myself from point A to point B. (And as a side note to the zero dauphine people reading this, there were a few of you that went out of your way to make me feel extremely welcome. Aurélia (didn't even know me and invited me to her birthday, which I completely botched by forgetting the address), Diane, that dude in my action publique class (Marc Hypolyte (sp?)), Antoine (in class super tight. out of class bitch ass who wouldn't go to my parties), Guillaume who was damn persistent trying to get me to go to the veritable shit-shows that were the thursday night erasmus nights, and Julie for getting me into the Alcatel group, Thank You guys. Everyone else at dauphine can suck one.) My time will be grand and on my terms when I go back. Until that can happen, I don't want to live there. It's too much of a treasure to me to mess that up.

I don't have too much to put on my wish list for christmas. I feel pretty blessed as is. But I am asking for one of these. and a helmet. As always, the "All I really want is cash" is simply not going to work. That's really boring to buy and give. So I've asked wen wen to give me some "so hot right now" fashion ideas since she's the only fasionista that I both know and would like to ask for recommendations.

I hope my sister posts the picture of me and the m.a.c. model on facebook soon. my ego will be enhanced when that happens and we all know that's really what I need.

Here's another good trance joint from the same ClubLife 136 podcast and the passion pit/juvi mash up you were listening to a second ago.

And since this is the season for warm drink, go out and try yourself some hot tang. Real talk...Real good.


This Is The Only Time ft. Jahala - FKH

Back That Sleepyhead Up - The Hood Internet