3 nov. 2010

Chill Mix v2

So I decided to go ahead and do it.

I put the track list in the comments of the file. I've over trying to keep my music a secret... :)

I did it about 6 times and remastered the 4th and 5th time together to see if I could get it really pro. Unfortunately, it sounded way way way more bunk than I had heard it going in the first time. So I did it a 6th time just for poops and giggles as kind of a last try effort to see if I could hit it on the head. I think it turned out much better than the times before.

This isn't the first chill mix. Not even close. It's super minimal compared to what you're used to hearing from my blog. But I like it and I like the way it turned out.

Now I release it to you to decide. I think it fits the bill of a 'chill mix.'

Chill Mix 2 by Ted Krause
Remember, you can download with the down arrow on the side of the player.

The bass is really heavy and there are alot of intricacies in there so I hope you enjoy the result of my boredom. Holla if you want all the original tracks. I don't feel like posting them up tonight cause I got shit to do tomorrow!