Start song (cause a start song is better than an end song)
RJD2 - Chicken-Bone Circuit
This reminds me of Shadow a little bit because of the erratic drums
You know what I don't like?
I'll tell you.
Drunk people that get mad at you for getting real with them.
If you're drunk don't be a dick. This goes for males and females.
I'll give an example I encountered tonight cause the person involved won't ever read this.
So we were walking and Person Q falls down. Just strait up falls on the ground. Q gets a cut on Q's hand and is bleeding mildly. After a few minutes Q asks to ride my bike. I say no and that I don't want Q to get a case of stigmata-look. This upsets Q as Q really wanted to try out my bike. That is okay with me. Q is of course cursing me out while walking behind me and another person with whom I am trying to converse. I ignore that. It pisses me off, but I can take something stupid like that. That's an okay angry drunk. However, when Q decides about 2 minutes later that Q is going to run over and try to push me with Q's somewhat bleeding hand I start to get real. I just bought an In4mation shirt. It's this one that I posted a while ago. I really really like this shirt. That being the case, I'm not about to get blood on it. So I ignore the few fake I'm-touching-your-face-with-my-AIDS-hand-haha swipes. Then I manage to dodge one attempt at my face that actually seems like it's intended to touch me. I've just about had enough of Q's shit. Q then proceeds to come at my shoulder of my shirt. Q touches me with Q's fingers but my hand grabs Q's wrist before Q can get blood on my shirt. Lucky for my shirt I have quick reflexes. I say:
"Don't touch my shirt."
Q makes another attempt
"For Real? ... Don't touch it. For Real."
I'm done with dealing with Q at this point. Q is obviously upset because Q starts saying to Q's friend "I'm just trying to blah blah blah. Blah blah blah he told me "for real." You can't say that like that to me."
At which point I nearly just leave Q and Q's other friends and go home. I had my bike anyway. Luckily, the bus showed up and they all hopped on that. Done.
By all means get drunk if you like doing that. Just don't do stupid shit that makes people pissed off at you and pretend like they're the bad guys.
Q won't remember this circumstance I'm sure, but I now have less respect for Q. That's sad, but I truely can only put up with so much.
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans