Alcohol does strange things to people. As I even better know from this past 5-day marathon.
I'm not even sure what to say, honestly. I've learned alot of things about people that I never expected to know...or for that matter, never expected to hear. Some of it's been great, some of the other stuff has been good. I don't feel like learning about people in any way is ever not positive. But when you get drunken friendliness which turns into drunken openness, it can also open doors that lead to drunken ambition (which, admittedly, can be good and bad). That is enjoyable but most of the time not healthy. I've found that out.
As I've said, the weekend was fun. Don't get me wrong. But those types of poison lead to certain sentiments that can startle, mystify, confuse, nauseate, and possibly even crush whatever that thing is in your stomach that senses what you're feeling is. Can is not necessarily does. Sometimes you can find somebody that shows you a part of yourself that you didn't know. Sometimes you show somebody something they didn't know either. It's a good thing to have happen in either circumstance, because like I said, learning is the key to life. At least that's how I see it.
For example, one night of my 5-day marathon, I was told some of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Not all true, but still, kinda cool to know that someone thinks that, even if it may have been for a purpose.
Then last night, at the stadium oddly enough, I met someone who needed to hear that she was beautiful, cool, kind, and whatever else I said after I had more than I had planned on having (thanks to everyone who tried to kill me with the free shots). She had written herself off because she was 31. She felt that she had lost something with "growing old." I wasn't going to let her end it with that thought so I told her exactly what I thought. Which, I like to think, was spot on. I feel like when you're working at a place like that, you get hit on but never get to hear anything that is said for being honest's sake. Maybe it was just her mood last night, but some people need a hand to get out of a hole that their mind has created for themselves. Regardless, as I told a good friend tonight, standing there talking to her was the best I felt all weekend. When you happen to see someone's eyes change from a protective glaze to a grace-touched gaze, you've seen a very small part of the best of them.
I like that last line.
Regardless, I want to see what our interaction is the next time I go to quench my thirst.
Now for the music:
This one is dedicated to Ms. Chacon. It has a level of emotion in it that, though not rivaling yours, is quite splendid.
Waves Of Change (Kaskade Extended Remix) - Samantha James
This next one is one that I've had for a long time, but haven't listened to since I first got it. It was never a favorite so when all my ratings got deleted in iTunes, I didn't re-find it again for a while. I like it's energy. I like it's complexity. Hope you will too.
Gil (MAVS Bicycle Chase Remix) - Fitout
Last one is a deeper track. It's downtempo, moody, and easily understood. I like it. You will too.
Change of Heart (Robyn's Rakamonie Remix) - El Perro Del Mar
Come and Feel the Sun
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans