Sorry. I've been busy with the large sac of crap i call life. I actually can't remember what I wrote last time. Did I say that I had become a wizard? Well, if not I still have the proof in my room. School has been kicking my ass more than I remember it doing for a long time. I have alot of homework, I don't enjoy the stuff I'm learning that much and what's worse is that i'm not having the blast I should be having learning stuff in general. I guess what it really comes down to is the readiness for school to be done. I don't know what lies for me in my future, but I don't think it'll be less intersting than accounting or economics.
regardless, i've accrued a large wealth of music.
The new thrice album is a direct opposite to the brand new album, which, if you haven't heard it, will make you shiver. it is fantastically evil.
HOLY SHIT. I finally got out a piece of corn kernel that's been stuck in my gum for about a week. That thing's been bothering me incessantly for the whole week. I should really stop eating so much popcorn...
Back to music though. Tiesto's club life (iTunes podcast link) has been on while i've been studying or writing as of late. It's great background stuff and if you want to get some quality listening time in, you can simply turn it up when you hear something you like. that's what I do.
Also, i've rediscovered how incredible Pandora is. If you put any length of time into building up a station, you will get nothing but tasty treats that fit your musical desires. Never fails to not dissapoint.
For halloween i didn't want to spend the money or time creating a large red mau5 head so I went as wilson from home improvement. I got a few nice beers out of it at parties i went to. everyone thought it was original. i didn't, but i drank the beer. not key light? yum.
I'm enjoying skating more and more.
The snowdays we had last week were awesome. I now know of things I want to do on campus objects. Thanks to colin I filmed the coolest looking thing i've ever done on a snowboard. Urban jibbing is pretty fun. Unfortunately, videos have blown it out so much that anything you do looks small and insignificant. whatever, i had fun. If you didn't get snow last wed/thursday, sucks to be you, if you did, hope you enjoyed it.
I'm only putting up one song cause I'm still working on this freud paper...
It's fun and a mix of my all time favorite song. enjoi it.
Daft Punk - Digital Love (ALGERONICS Remix) via StoneyRoads
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans