So I posted on...sunday and it was great only it didn't go through. It says that I posted but the specific one doesn't exist. Radical. So first a repost.
I think I said something about
being happy my shit luck is momentarily not active and that if you know what that means, you know what that means, and it's a change for me. If you don't know what that means, I'll just say that I'm excited.
something like that
and then i proceeded to post
#12 Pro Nails - Kid Sister
#13 Just Dance - Lady Gaga
and give a bonus of remixes of the songs. The Kid Sis and Lady Gaga, respectively.
Now that that's settled, I don't have anymore news other than:
pancake day was a success,
i met a french kid with the same flannel shirt as me,
and I'm going to dublin this weekend which is cool and uncool at the same time...
And I would like to post the next track. So I will.
#14 Detonate - LZRtag
Go to my friend White Folks Get Crunk's blog and get the Sneaky Sound System song.
Bonus Bonus:
I just got these at pop tarts suck toasted and I recommend the middle, but they're an interesting band so if you have time, you know what to do...
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans