I just realized that my last title was probably deceptive but that's okay with me. This is primarily a response to Ryan's post about what this Barack win will do.
I guess it's just be being a pessimist, but as I sat in the Palais de Congres listening to the numbers roll in and then eventually the news of the Obama win, all I could think was, "Wow, this is going to be the best let-down of our modern lives." I've studied government enough to understand that about 30% of what is set out to be accomplished, is accomplished. Ryan's right about the switch. If nothing much actually changes (that directly benefits the average american) people are going to say fuck that and throw their allegiance to someone else (unless the republicans pick a jackass like john kerry). He gave an amazing speach, but, while I was really pumped up, I just sat their thinking, "what will change to make america different from the asshole of a nation its become?"
All that being said, I'm really looking forward to hopefully being proven completely wrong by a mostly democratic governmental machine. I'm just not going to hop on the boat yet.
there's got to be a better way to say that.
Il y a 14 ans
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