1 nov. 2008

Woo Spring Break!

Frankmusik is back. Click on the Ohh Crap Link on the "blogs that I follow" link for the interview and some demo tracks which are pretty good great.

Waiting for my sister to come home is really weird. Who woulda thunk that she'd be out partying later than me? Craze. Party on though.

I'm starting Pancake Time in Paris. I hope it'll get to the point where reservations have to be made and I can start to make a half euro per person profit. Rad! But I'm really excited cause I love cooking for people and pancakes are the ultimate feel-good food. They can be healthy or unhealthy but most always scrumptious.

Colin, I'm working on the artwork to send to you. I already have the candy, but I want to make the package worthwhile. If anyone else in the US would like a candy/art shipment just get at me and I'll make it happen if you will do the same for me.

No songs except the Frankmusik and...
Some old but tight Trae (SUC [ABN])
Screwed Up ft. Lil Wayne
Screwed Up ft. Lil Wayne (S.L.A.B.ED)
I would just like everyone to understand that Lil Wayne didn't get slabbed the second time he said "you ain't shit if you ain't never been screwed up." Trae did him. Lil Wayne has never been S.U. and will never reach that level. However, "cut the ears and the tail off micki mouse" was tight.

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