26 mai 2009

@ Dauphine

Hey ever-y-body.

I just finished with my FLE5 final and I expect a 50% (which is still passing mind you). I'm satisfied with that. Maybe I've become a worse student, maybe not, either way I don't really care.

I don't like typing on these damn keyboards though... really annoying.

The library is completely full, which, for a school of only 2000 people or something, is pretty sad. I guess people really can't study at home or something. I know it's hard for me, but in the US I was a rare case. Anyway, the DU library, as 70's as it was, was never full. Sometimes it was hard to find a place to do group projects but I could always find a seat to study by myself.

I'm listening to the hypem.com radio station and I really like it. I would suggest it to anyone who wants a break from their music (even at 80 or so gig, i get worn out by hearing the same stuff) and when stuff like Moth Wings by Passion Pit comes on, it's that much more satisfying.

I honestly couldn't think of a way to repay Colin for putting me in the know about the hype machine. One of the best search sites ever created. I think I enjoy it more than Google (not to say that it's more utile but still)

Random adjouted song: Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas (Calvin Harris Remix)
God that's so fucking pop. Excellent. Another kudo goes to Katy Perry who wrote at least some of that (she gets the first credit on the wiki page about the song). And a kudo point goes to C Harris for turning what has a Carrie Underwood feel into a JAM.
It kinda sounds like an exam schedule too: "information overload, situation lost control." Cool.

I'm really pumped for this bike trip that we're taking, but honestly, I'm fine with just doing it me and Joe if I don't get my way with the trip plans. I'm Way okay with being a selfish brat on this one. I don't want it to be a bike tour trip. I just want to go to a cool location with my new best friend, my nameless bike. I haven't given her a name yet cause I don't feel that the time is right. I really only say her cause I don't want to have "riding [insert guy's name]" as one of my current interests listed on facebook. With all the current sexual orientation changes occuring in this beautiful city of love, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

Speaking on the girl situation though... my inability to let myself be attracted by females has reached a deplorable state. So I can no longer say that I am anti-sexual only that I am uninterested. This mexican girl mariana in my fle5 class really got me excited the other day. I haven't felt anything flirting with someone for a really long time and last class I wrote something roughly translated as "Hey you're inhaling that chocolate... Take it easy."
The fact of the matter was that she was eating her dark chocolate at an unholy-ly slow pace and I was being sarcastic, but she answered with the perfectly crafted response of "Sometimes good things come in small doses."
To understand why that was awesome, it is first important to know that she's probably 5 foot 2 & 100 pounds. And the smile she gave me today was an indicator that she meant what I had assumed she meant. Cool.
It's just really strange to think that her, along with the absolutely ridiculous number of beautiful women at Dauphine, I won't ever see again. With her it's after today most likely and to be honest, I probably couldn't have made anything happen anyway. Besides, what was it that I would have made happen? Exactly...nothing.

Sometimes it seems like life is too short/transient to Ever have the time and occasion to make anything happen. I don't know when I'll ever be ready to try out romance, but I have a feeling that I just might never get to it.

Tant pis
(not like cat piss)

Now to go check if it's still raining. I forgot my rain guard today cause I didn't need it this morning. I don't want to take the train home but I might have to cause I'm not about to ruin a shirt with street oil and rain water.

"Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now..."

1 commentaire:

c bass a dit…

i sympathize with your romantically devoid state... it's a sad state of affairs here in denver, or i should say at this school. i have excised the thought of meeting someone here from my mind. at least being where you are, there's always the looming possibility that you'll be dragged into a scene from 'paris je t'aime' ...where you get beat up by some guy while waiting for the metro, only to have his girlfriend take pity on you, and drag you home where she stitches your forhead, and ...

and speaking of women, i haven't forgotten the snide remark that you fired at the photo of my jamaican dream weaver in the cycling kit. after all of this 'finals, end of the year' bullshit is complete, "sake! talk" will be publishing a discussion of why voyeuristic photos of hipster honeys are less appealing than profession cyclist hotties.
